Woodworth Middle School
4951 Ternes
Dearborn, MI 48126
(313) 827-7100
Attendance: (313) 827-7101
District Calendar
Official Calendars
Parent Connect
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student Portal
Student links and resources.
Newsletter Week of February 27th
Information on School Status for Friday, February 24th
Good evening, The Dearborn Public Schools will be open on Friday, February 24th, 2023. The ice storm has created many power outages throughout the Dearborn community and DTE crews continue their efforts to restore power. Throughout the day we have had schools...
Traffic Flow
Hello All, Woodworth Middle school staff is continuously working to ensure the well being and safety of our students. Please make sure to use this traffic flow map as reference to best help navigate traffic before & after school. Please do not reverse in the...
Newsletter Week of February 13th
Newsletter Week of February 6th
Free Parent University classes set for Feb. 24 and March 3
Parents are every child’s first teachers, and Dearborn Public Schools is offering some free lessons for those teachers. Parent University will run on Feb. 24 and March 3. The free, one-hour sessions are open to parents or other caregivers and their children ages...
Newsletter Week of January 30th
FIrst Bell District News
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