Woodworth Middle School
4951 Ternes
Dearborn, MI 48126
(313) 827-7100
Attendance: (313) 827-7101
Upcoming Week at Woodworth
The Week of November 25th Wk of Nov 25thDownload
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Woodworth Middle School
4951 Ternes
Dearborn, MI 48126
(313) 827-7100
Attendance: (313) 827-7101
The Week of November 25th Wk of Nov 25thDownload
Here is a link to learn about the Reflections Art Contest. Let's Go Hornets!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kSYrXazxYWv6migW2u99oVrBfSP-L21elk4nty60Ymw/edit?tab=t.0
On here about Social Media and Mental Health information. Also, the PTA will be having a short meeting the last 25 to 30 minutes of the meeting. ParentMtg11.20.24Download
Upcoming Events at Woodworth Wk of Nov 18trhDownload
This Tuesday, November 12th @3:30pm to 8:00pm - Hope you can join us! Red Simple Parent Teacher Conferences FlyerDownload
Events for the upcoming week Wk of Nov 11Download
Our Career Night will be held - November 7th from 5:30-7pm. Students and Parents please come to explore the exciting career paths available. We have an incredible line-up of speakers who will share insights and inspiration. Blue And White Illustration Career Fair 2024...
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