Woodworth Middle School

Scheduling Update

As you know, the state has reduced the amount of money that the district will be receiving this year. We have had to take the unprecedented step of reducing the number of teachers. Here at Woodworth, this had meant the reduction of three of our teachers. As of January 11th, the State of Michigan put a hold an additional cut of $127 per student. As a result of this (and some other situations) we will only be losing two teaching positions instead of three.

These cuts will still have an effect on Woodworth Middle School. We have still lost two teaching positions. As a result of losing those positions, we will no longer be able to offer foreign language (Arabic), Music or Performing Arts during the day. We are working on a plan to offer Music after school. As soon as those plans are in place, I’ll post the information on this blog.The sixth grade elective classes will be switching from six week classes to ten week classes. Additionally, sixth grade students will participate in two classes during second semester instead of the three that were available during first. Some students may be repeating elective classes in sixth grade.

We may also see a few new faces. Because of layoffs, some teachers may be moving around. Again, as soon as that movement is clear, I’ll communicate that on the blog as well.

Students will receive their second semester schedules on Tuesday, February 2nd, during Advisory class. We have done the best that we could to honor student selections, but are extremely limited by space and class availability.

We continue to be devoted to providing a first class education for our students. Even though we face many financial hurdles, teaching and learning will continue.

Thank you.

Mr. Patterson