Woodworth Middle School
Daily Announcements
December 7, 2016
1) Attention Football Players: If you ordered pictures, see Mr. Robar after school
(outside of the boys locker room) to pick them up. Thank you!
2) Students who would like to purchase a Lanyard may do so with a pass to the main office during A-square. The cost is $2 for the lanyard, $1 for the holder.
3) A robo call will be sent to families regarding the Parent Meeting on Wednesday,
December 7th at 9am in the Team Room with guest speaker Officer Mokbil.
Please see Ms. Dakroub for additional information.
4) Woodworth 8th Grade students have the opportunity to attend a trip to
Washington DC in early May for only $400. Permission slip and deposit must be
returned to Mrs. Dakroub by December 7th. Please see Mrs. Dakroub to sign up or for additional information.
5) The PTA will host a bake sale after school on Friday, December 9th.
6) Winter Concert will be December 20th in the cafeteria beginning at 2:00pm.
7) School Store will be open EVERY Tuesday for ALL students. T-shirts are $5, they
come in grey, black, or yellow. School store items: t-shirts, pencils, erasers,
granola bars, fruit strips, water bottles, rulers, folders.
Students can come and see Mrs. Stevens in Room 212, during A2 to purchase a T-shirt on days that the store is not open.
8) Things for students to remember:
- Keep your planners open to your Hornet Pride Card during class and earn those points!!!
- The December reward is Movie During the Day
- The January reward is TBD
- The February reward is Hot Chocolate and Donuts before school
- The March reward is Teacher VS Student Basketball
9) There is an away boys basketball game at Stout on Thursday, December 8th at 3:30pm.
Basketball players will be dismissed at 1:45pm from class.