Woodworth Middle School

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Woodworth Middle School

Daily Announcements

December 13, 2016

1) Hey Students! Save your money for our Penny Wars Competition between the 6th, 7th,

and 8th grades during lunch from December 19th – December 22nd.  The object is to

get as many points as possible during the “war.”  Pennies are Positive Points for your

grade.  Nickels, dimes, quarters and dollar bills are Negative Points so you can put

these coins into the other grades collection tin to subtract from their points!

The grade level with the most points will get a HAT DAY reward after the new year.

The money raised during the Penny Wars Competition will be donated to PBIS for

student rewards.

2) This week all A2 classrooms will compete in a door decorating contest with a

“Winter Wonderland” theme.  Judging for the best door will be done on Friday, December 16th.  The A2 with the best door will win Hot Chocolate the following week.  

3) Boys Basketball @ Smith, today December 13th at 3:30pm.  Girls Swimming @ Unis,

December 14th @ 3:30pm.

4) The seventh grade students will be attending a field trip on today, December 13th

to the Bonstelle Theater.  Students not attending the field trip are required to come to

school that day.

5) The sixth grade will be going on a field trip Friday, December 23rd to The Henry

Ford/IMAX.  Students not attending the field trip are required to come to school that


6) Winter Break is 12/24/16 thru 1/8/17.  Students return to school on Monday, 1/9/17.

7) Winter Concert will be December 20th at 2:00pm.

8) 2016-2017 Academic Games Team Tournament Dates: 12/14, 12/21, 1/18, 1/24, 1/26

9) Next Late Start is Wednesday, December 21st.

10) Students:  If you are at school before the 7:50am bell rings, you must either go directly

to the Cafeteria and wait where it is warm, or you wait outside.  Door #9 will

be open for you to get to the cafeteria.  Students are not allowed wander the halls.

11) School Store will be open EVERY Tuesday for ALL students.  T-shirts are $5, they

come in grey, black, or yellow. School store items:  t-shirts, pencils, erasers,

granola bars, fruit strips, water bottles, rulers, folders.

Students can come and see Mrs. Stevens in Room 212, during A2 to purchase a T-shirt on days that the store is not open.