Woodworth Middle School

Monday, March 27, 2017

Woodworth Middle School
Daily Announcements
Monday, March 27, 2017
“B” Day


1) Students, if you are missing your glasses, please take a look at the glasses that
are on the counter in the main office. If they are not claimed by Friday, March 31st,
they will be donated.

2) Variety show practice on Wednesday, March 29th from 3-4pm.

3) There will be a mandatory NJHS Meeting after school tomorrow, March 28th from
3-4 pm in Mrs. Gigler’s room.

4) Any 7th or 8th grade girls interested in Track, please come to an informational
meeting in the small gym on Wednesday, March 29th at 3pm.
See you there! -Ms. Malone

5) Students, please continue to collect Box Tops for Education and bring them to your
A2 teacher. Each classroom should have a collection box for the Box Tops, however
you can drop them off before school to the main office if needed.

6) It’s that time of year again!!! NJHS will be sponsoring an exciting assembly on
March 31st!! A select group of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will have the opportunity to
participate in minute-to-win-it games!!!! In order to be selected for these games you
must have 3 or less infractions!!! Your teachers will determine who will represent the
team!! The lucky winners’ names will be drawn at the end of the assembly to PIE A

7) Woodworth Middle School will be having the 3rd annual NJHS Induction Ceremony
on March 29th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at Woodworth.

8) The PTA will have pizza sales on the following dates:
Thursday, March 30th in front of the gym for the volleyball game.
Friday, March 31st, and Thursday, April 13th in front of the main office.

9) Dr. Seuss Spirit Week: March 27th – 31st:
Monday: “Cat in the Hat” – Crazy Hat Day
Tuesday: “Thing One and Thing Two” – Twin Day
Wednesday: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” – College Wear and/or Career Day,
Dress to Impress
Thursday: “Fox in Socks” – Crazy Socks Day
Friday: “Purple Eggs and Ham” – Woodworth Colors

10) Planners, lanyards & plastic pouches are available in the main office for students to
purchase during A-2 with a pass from the teacher.

11) Door #9 will be open at 7:30am for students to get into the cafeteria. If you are at
school before the 7:50am bell rings, you must either go directly to the cafeteria and
wait where it is warm, or you wait outside. Students are not allowed to wander the halls.

12) The School Store will be open every Tuesday for all students. T-shirts are only $5 in
either grey, black, or yellow. School store items: t-shirts, pencils, erasers, granola bars,
fruit strips, water bottles, rulers, and folders. Student can see Mrs. Stevens in Rm #212
during A-2 to purchase a t-shirt on days when the store is not open.