Woodworth Middle School

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Woodworth Middle School
Daily Announcements
Thursday, April 27, 2017

“A” Day

1) Students please be courteous and respectful to those testing throughout the building
and walk quietly through the halls.

2) Students who ride their bicycles to school are asked to park them in the designated
bike rack area behind the school. Please do not lock your bicycle to the fence or the
guard rails. Thank you!

3) Students, please continue to collect Box Tops for Education and bring them to your
A2 teacher. Each classroom should have a collection box for the Box Tops, however
you can drop them off before school to the main office if needed.

4) Door #9 will be open at 7:30am for students to get into the cafeteria. If you are at
school before the 7:50am bell rings, you must either go directly to the cafeteria and
wait where it is warm, or you wait outside. Students are not allowed to wander the halls.