Woodworth Middle School

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Woodworth Middle School
Daily Announcements
June, 1, 2017

“B” Day

1) Girls Track: Please turn in your clean uniforms directly to Ms. Malone after school
(room 106) today, June 1st. Thanks!

2) If you have not returned your library books or paid your fines for lost or damaged
books, please do so immediately. These books are needed in order to close down
the library for the summer.

3) The Dearborn Public Library have made changes regarding their operations for the
period of June 5th – June 16th. The two most important pieces of information are:

All students under the age of 18 are required to have parental supervision.

All students must show school ID or other valid photo identification upon entering the building.

4) Students who ride their bicycles to school must park them in the designated
bike rack area behind the school.

5) Door #9 will be open at 7:30am for students to get into the cafeteria for breakfast.
Students are not allowed to wander the halls.