Woodworth Middle School
Daily Announcements
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
LATE START – Wednesday, Oct. 18th
Bell Rings at 8:50am
1) Lunch choices: Tuesday–Halal Chicken Nuggets, cheese pockets
Wednesday–Halal Soft Tacos, cheese pockets, nachos—Late Start
Thursday–Halal Chicken Patty, cheese pockets
Friday–Fish Nuggets, cheese pockets, nachos
2) Reminder: All students should have their Student ID & Planner on them at all times during
the day. Student ID cards are REQUIRED to buy snacks in the cafeteria during lunch.
3) After school Homework Help begins today. The program will be located in the
Media Center from 3:05-4:05 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with a cap of
24 students. Students must sign up one day in advance in order to leave time to notify
their parent. Please see your A2 teacher to sign up!
4) Attention ALL Students!!! Woodworth is having a PINK OUT this Friday October 20th!
Please WEAR your PINK and SUPPORT the cause 🙂 This event is sponsored by the
Student Council.
5) Round 2 of Intramural 3 on 3 basketball will be held on Wednesday Oct 18th
in gyms A & B. You must sign up with a team of no less than 3 and no more
than 4 players. Please enter your team by signing up with Ms. Gronau in the
counseling office today or tomorrow. There will be a limit of 8 teams.
6) There will be Intramural Girls Swimming for 6th grade only, on Thursday October 19th.
You must sign up today or tomorrow with Ms. Gronau in the counseling office to attend.
Due to safety measures, there is a limit of 20 students that will be able
to sign up and participate. There will be a waiting list that will accommodate 8 additional
students. Come join the fun! Thank you! Ms. Gronau
7) The 6th Annual Robert Cipriano Memorial Cross Country Meet will be held on October
23rd at Ford Field Park in Dearborn. All students are welcome to participate in the 2 mile run. Interested students must sign-up and turn in their $3.00 registration today. See any PE teacher for more information and to sign-up.
8) There will be an intramural Woodworth Running Club to prepare for the upcoming
Cipriano Meet. We will be running outside on the track today and Thursday(weather
permitting) Please see Mr. Robar to sign-up.
9) Please continue to collect box tops. Return 5 box tops to your A2 teachers and you
earn a pride signature. Winning A2 will receive a prize in December.
10) Upcoming PBIS Rewards:
*Cider and Donut Reward *Movie Reward
October 27th at 2:30pm November 21st
During school Treat included!
10 Hornet Pride Points 10 Hornet Pride Points
11) There will be an opportunity for students to purchase a costume pass
on Halloween for $1.00. See your A2 teacher for costume guidelines!