Hello Parents,
We are looking forward to having all 6th-8th grade students returning to school this week! Remember students with the last names starting with A-D will be coming to school on Monday and Thursday and students with the last name starting with E-Z will be coming to school on Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday will be a full day of synchronous Zoom sessions for everyone. All students will be following our hybrid schedule and zooming into their classes at the set class time.
A few important reminders for those returning to school face to face:
- Please make sure your students are getting screened daily. (English or Arabic) Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms and have them remote in for the day.
- Masks must be worn at all times- covering the mouth and nose. Wearing masks and proper social distancing is required for students to attend in person.
- Students should bring a chromebook or personal laptop, along with the charge cord and headphones to school each day.
- Students should also bring their own pens and pencils. Students are welcome to wear backpacks to keep all of their belongings.
- All water fountains at the school have been disabled. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottle from home (a sports cap is the best option).
- Students will not be allowed into the building in the morning until 8:40 am so we can ensure that teachers are in classrooms for them to go directly there and reduce student contact.
- Please follow the map for pick up and drop off (see attached)