Woodworth Middle School

Letter to Parents on Upcoming Testing

WOODWORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL                   April 7, 2021 

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): 

At Woodworth Middle School, we are focused on ensuring all of our students are well prepared for not only college and career readiness, but also the various standardized tests that students will have to take throughout their educational careers.  This year, although challenging, is no different. Students will begin taking their standardized testing starting next week beginning with eighth graders. 

On Tuesday, April 13th 2021, Dearborn’s Middle Schools and all other middle schools in Michigan, will be administering the PSAT8 assessment to all 8th grade students.  All 8th grade students (in person and virtual students) will report on April 13 to take the assessment.  Grades 6 and 7 will have asynchronous work that day and will not be reporting to schools.  The following week, eighth grade students will also complete the M-STEP to measure their knowledge of Michigan’s academic standards in Science and Social Studies. 

Starting on April 26th, all 6th and 7th grade Woodworth students will take the M-STEP ELA and Mathematics assessments. These assessments are constructed of response (open-ended) and multiple choice questions. 

Students will report to school in person on their assigned days. Cohort A is the last name starting with A-D; Cohort B is the last name starting with E-Z. (April 13th is the only day we are not doing cohorts). Please see the attached assessment schedule below:

Students attend regular classes – no testing 
All 8th grade students report including VLP students 
Asynchronous for 6th and 7th grade students 

ZOOM Wednesdays
Synchronous For All

Students attend regular classes – no testing 

Students attend regular classes – no testing 
4/19/2021All 8th grade Cohort A(last name A-D) 
M-STEP Science and Social Studies Asynchronous for Cohort B
4/20/2021All 8th grade Cohort B(last name E-Z) 
M-STEP Science and Social Studies Asynchronous for Cohort A
  ZOOM Wednesdays
Synchronous For All
Students attend regular classes – no testing 
Students attend regular classes – no testing 
4/26/2021All 7th grade Cohort A(last name A-D) *this includes VLP students 
M-STEP ELAAsynchronous for Cohort B
4/27/2021All 7th grade Cohort B(last name E-Z) *this includes VLP students
M-STEP ELAAsynchronous for Cohort A

ZOOM Wednesdays
Synchronous For All
4/29/2021All 7th grade Cohort A(last name A-D) *this includes VLP students
M-STEP MathAsynchronous for Cohort B
4/30/2021All 7th grade Cohort B(last name E-Z) *this includes VLP students
M-STEP MathAsynchronous for Cohort A
5/3/2021All 6th grade Cohort A(last name A-D)*this includes VLP students 
M-STEP ELAAsynchronous for Cohort B
5/4/2021All 6th grade Cohort B(last name E-Z) *this includes VLP students
M-STEP ELAAsynchronous for Cohort A

ZOOM Wednesdays
Synchronous For All
5/6/2021All 6th grade Cohort A(last name A-D)*this includes VLP students
M-STEP MathAsynchronous for Cohort B
5/7/2021All 6th grade Cohort B(last name E-Z)*this includes VLP students 
M-STEP MathAsynchronous for Cohort A

On days when a grade is not testing, your child will follow their normal schedule for that day. 

For example, on 4/26/2021, only 7th grade A-D students are testing. Seventh grade E-Z students will have asynchronous work for their core classes (ELA, Math,  Science and Social Studies). All other students (6th and 8th) will follow their Monday schedules. They will have live synchronous elective classes. 

Virtual Learning Program Students (VLP): During the COVID-19 pandemic, MDE does not support bringing otherwise remote or virtual students into school solely for the purpose of state assessment.  If your child is currently attending school remotely or virtually, and are not planning on bringing your child in for state testing, please notify us by filling out this form by Friday April 9th.  

Parent Meeting: We have a scheduled informational meeting on Thursday, April 8th at 6:00 PM. Please check your email for the link.

Technology: Every student MUST bring in their own device. 

**We want to reassure our families that every precaution will be taken to ensure that we are following safety mitigation measures. Students will be properly socially distanced at all times. If your child is sick, please call the office and do not send your child to school. We will reschedule a makeup date. 

As partners in your child’s education, we are asking for your help in reminding your child of the importance of taking his/her time and putting forth his/her best effort on these assessments. Several factors have an influence on test outcomes; this may include but not limited to the classes your child can take at the high school level.  Below are some simple test-taking tips you can review with your child.

Before Test During Test 
Have a growth mindset and a positive attitude. Tell yourself, “I am prepared, and I will do my best on this test.” Go to sleep at a reasonable time to get a good night’s rest the night before the test.Wake up early enough to avoid rushing to get ready for school.Eat a healthy breakfast.Relax, take a deep breath, and think about positive thoughtsListen carefully to the directions.Read each question carefully. Identify key words. Think about what the question is really asking. Read the entire question and all the answer choices.Apply strategies that you learned in class to figure out the answer. Pick the best answer.Recheck your answer before moving onto the next question. Pace your time management (PSAT) 

Working together on ensuring our students are prepared is critical to the success of all students. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to your child’s education. 


Rima Hassan


Woodworth Middle School