Quarantine and Isolation
First the Wayne County Health Department, following CDC and MDHHS guidance is shortening the length of time people who have COVID need to isolate and how long those who have been exposed need to quarantine.
See our new quarantine and isolation guidelines.
We are also updating our screening tool.
For Quarantine – Those who are fully vaccinated and those who have had COVID in the last 90 days do not need to quarantine.- Those who do need to quarantine, only need to stay home five full days after exposure. On day 6, you may return to school if: you meet ALL of the following:
- You have not developed any symptoms and have not tested positive for COVID AND
- Test negative for COVID on day 5 AND
- Continue to wear a well-fitting mask for the next five days.
For isolation if you test positive or develop symptomsYou may return as early as Day 6, if you meet ALL of the following conditions.
- Fever free for 24 hours without using fever reducing medications AND
- Significant improvement in symptoms or are without symptoms AND
- Continue to wear a well-fitting mask through day 10.
Students and staff should continue to stay home past day 6 if they do not feel well. Student absences are automatically excused through 10 days after the start of the illness.
Close contacts
The other important change from the state is that schools are no longer tracking close contacts. If a COVID case is confirmed in a classroom, the class will receive a letter, but quarantine will not be required. Obviously, if someone develops symptoms they need to isolate and get tested. Our new quarantine guidance is for those exposed outside of school.
TestingWe also wanted to remind staff that we are working with Vibra Health Lab to provide tests to those who need them at several nearby locations. The testing program that has been running at four school locations is transitioning and will soon be handled by an outside provider after school. Look for more information coming soon.
COVID information and clarification
While we are talking COVID, we also want to remind people we continue to have resources on our COVID page.
And we want to remind people that the district’s COVID dashboard is not and has never been a complete listing of all students and staff who have COVID. The state requires us to issue a report of confirmed cases on school grounds. We realize total cases are higher, but our nurses have their hands full as it is without trying to maintain an accurate list that stretches far beyond our property lines.