6th Grade Recommended Supplies for the 2022-23 School Year | |
Math1 Red Notebook1 Red FolderPack of Pencils and ErasersHighlighters-1 colorRed pensExpo Marker and EraserPersonal Pencil SharpenerGlue sticks (optional)Crayons or Colored Pencils (optional)Kleenex (optional class donation)Disinfecting Wipes (optional class donation) | |
ELANotebookLoose-Leaf PaperPencilsErasersBinderMarkers or Colored PencilsPost-itsHighlighters- 3 colorsDividersFolder | |
ScienceFolderNotebookExtra lined paperPencilsSeveral glue sticksColored pencils |
7th Grade Recommended Supplies for the 2022-23 School Year | |
MathFolder (just for math)Single subject notebook (just for math)Glue Sticks Pack of PencilsEraser tops | |
ELAPencils/0.7 leadFoldersWide notebook single subject | |
ScienceFolder (just for science)Single subject spiral notebook (just for science)Composition BookGlue Sticks Colored pencilsPack Highlighters (any color)1 12-24 pack Pencils to give teacher first day1 box tissues to give teacher first day | |
Social StudiesComposition Book (For Bellwork)Folder (Just for Social Studies)Pencils (at least three); if buying Mechanical Pencils, bring extra leadTheir own headphones for audio and videos during lessons12-pack of Colored Pencils | |
ElectivesOrchestraStrictly Strings Book for Violin, Viola, or Cello ($8) Instrument specific – can be purchased from Miss Ellenwood the first week of school PEMaster combination lock (no key locks)Gym clothes (comfortable top and bottom, short or long sleeve)Gym shoesSwimsuit |
8th Grade Supplies Recommended for the 2022-23 School Year | |
Math(Must have for Math class) 1 Subject spiral notebook just for math1 Pack or more of pencils 2 or more Glue Sticks (Optional for the class) Hand Sanitizer Box of tissue Colored Pencil Two pocket folder just for math | |
ELA3 Subject notebooks2 Folders with pocketsPencilsPersonal pencil Sharpener with backing (enclosed)Lined paper | |
ScienceBellwork Notebook (spiral or composition)Binder at least 2” 5 Binder tabs1 pack of looseleaf lined paper (can be used in other classes)Pencils / PensGlueHighlightersColor pencils / Markers | |
Social StudiesPencilsPersonal pencil Sharpener with backing (enclosed)FolderColor pencils/markersLined paper |