Today Woodworth Middle School was visited by the School Improvement Team. The visiting team consisted of Superintendent Dr. Maleyko, Executive Director of Human Resources Ms. Alie-Bazzi, Executive Direct of Student Achievement Dr. Chochol and Ms. Peterson, as well as various other Feeder Track administrators from Fordson High School, William-Ford Elementary, and Henry-Ford Elementary. The team also included Mrs. Beydoun PTA President and six other Woodworth parents.
Woodworth received much praise for the efforts of its staff and students. According to the visiting SIP team, the building is “alive and vibrant,” with an “overall positive environment.” You can “feel the passion” of Woodworth staff. Students and teachers are “proud” of their building and what they are doing.
I am proud to be a Woodworth Hornet!
~Ms. Dirkse