Woodworth Middle School

The Learning Continues….

We hope this post finds all of you in good health! Please see attached letter from Dr. in regards to our continued learning approach. There is also an expectation for parents and students attached. As a reminder to all students, please check your student email account frequently for updates from your teachers. Please click on the link for more information about the district’s remote learning https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/ Also, below are links for middle school student and parent expectations.


  • If a student participates and demonstrates learning, he/she will receive a grade.  The student’s grade will be determined by participation and by evidence of learning.
  • Letter grades will be one of the following:  A, B, C or N. The letter grades A, B and C are based on traditional grading practices.  A student will earn a letter grade of N (No Credit) due to deliberate lack of participation.  
  • Per Board Policy, summer school will be required for students who fail two or more core classes for the school year.

Educational Resources

  • Chromebooks:  If a student has requested a chromebook for use at home, they are eligible to borrow one for the remainder of the school year.  
  • Student Learning Packet:  If a student has indicated that they do not have internet access at home or other technology tools, they will be receiving a Student Learning Packet.  This will be grade-level appropriate and take the place of the virtual learning experiences.  
  • Pick-up times for a Chromebook or Student Learning Packet has yet to be determined.  When distribution times have been established, parents will be notified.

*The Dearborn Schools Student Code of Conduct applies to remote learning.  Students who are not in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct will lose their privilege to participate in remote learning.

If you have any questions about the learning expectations for your child, please reach out to your child’s teacher.