Woodworth Middle School

School News

Nominations open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations open for Teacher of the Year Awards

Nominations are still underway for the Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Awards. Students can nominate up to two Dearborn Public School teachers using the online nomination form. Five teachers will receive awards, including one from each category - preschool...

القهوة مع المدير

القهوة مع المدير

تواصل مع السيدة راباك بأية أسئلة واستمع إلى كل الأشياء الجيدة التي تحدث في Woodworth Coffee with the Principal Arabic

Coffee With The Principal

Coffee With The Principal

Please bring your questions and join Mrs. Rabac as she shares all the good things going on at Woodworth Coffee with the Principal (1)