Woodworth Middle School

School News

Parent Meeting tomorrow!

Parent Meeting tomorrow!

Please join us for our parent meeting tomorrow, 9/28 in our school library at 10 a.m. Agenda: If you would like to attend via Zoom, the link and passcode are below: Join Zoom Meetinghttps://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/6027953136?pwd=QmlLWHlaTGtRNnJ5eVJYZHdsenoxZz09...

Volleyball games for the 2022-2023 School year

We invite you to join us for the following games- Parents MUST attend with their student and stay with them for the entire game. 9/28/2022HOMESmith at Woodworth4 pm10/4/2022HOMESalina at Woodworth4 pm10/5/2022AWAYWoodworth at Unis4 pm10/12/2022HOMEStout at Woodworth4...

Football games- 2022-2023 School Year

9/29/2022HOMEBryant at Woodworth4 pm10/6/2022AWAYWoodworth at Lowrey4 pm10/13/2022AWAYWoodworth at O.L. Smith4 pm10/20/2022HOMEMcbride at Woodworth4 pm10/27/2022AWAYWoodworth at Unis4 pm