Woodworth Middle School

School News

City Beautiful Junior Commissioners

City Beautiful Junior Commissioners

Sixth graders, Raneem and Jawad, take the pledge to keep the City of Dearborn Beautiful during the 56th Annual City Beautiful Breakfast. Junior Commissioners, Raneem and Jawad will represent Woodworth Middle School while encouraging their peers to keep the City of...

Students Create Hover boards Today!

Students Create Hover boards Today!

Students in Mr. Batcheller's class were working on creating hover boards. Students were part of the entire process from planning, to building, to revising their blueprints. So much fun! Way to incorporate STEM strategies.

Woodworth Home Games

Woodworth Home Games

We had a busy afternoon today. Both our Volleyball and Football teams had home games. We are so proud of all of our players as they played their hearts out. Go Hornets!

Teachers Collaborate During Late Start

Teachers Collaborate During Late Start

Late Start days are opportunities for teachers to come together and collaborate. The extra hour allows for us to dig deep into data, review current practices, and increase our knowledge about best researched based instructional practices.