Woodworth Middle School


New Traffic Changes Beginning Monday

We will begin implementing one way arrival/drop off beginning Monday, September 17th. We want to ensure the safety of all students. A letter was sent home with students including a map.  Please see attached letter from Ms. Hassan. doc03226120180914101811

Woodworth Open House

Please join us for our Open House tomorrow from 6:00 to 7:30. You will get an opportunity to meet your child's teachers, walk the halls of our school, and become acquainted with our support staff. We look forward to seeing you there!

School Zone Safety Letter

Please adhere to all school zone safety procedures. We are currently reviewing our arrival and dismissal process. We may begin implementing one way during arrival/dismissal times beginning next week on Ternes. As a reminder please pull up to the curb to drop off your...

2018-2019 Legal Announcements Now Available

2018-19 Legal Announcements Now Available The law requires the Dearborn Public Schools to provide parents or guardians a set of legal announcements containing information on laws pertaining to students and parents. All parents and guardians are encouraged to take a...