We hope this post finds you all in good health! We are in the process of gathering all of your belongings and distributing them to you soon. We need your help though- if you currently have PE and have items in your gym locker—you MUST fill out the following form in order to retrieve your items. This is the form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAB1TnxeE5OcJNVeufhCK4nT1JyR6eCQI_lugK8gT9HlOowg/viewform?usp=sf_link This form is due May 27th by 3:00 PM. An email was also sent to every student.
We will send a schedule out soon as well. We plan on giving you all of your items the week of June 1st. Please make sure to sign up for our school blog as we post all of our important information on our website. Our blog link is: https://woodworth.dearbornschools.org/